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Prices of Second Hand/Tokunbo Cars in Nigeria 2017

The demand for cars and good Vehicles in Nigeria is getting high all day due to our increasing population and Necessity of mobility in Nigeria especially now that some persons have seen it as ODD thing to be trekking around town or boarding with their friends and colleagues to work or to their hustling ground. So today I provide a list of cars readily available in most car selling points. This list goes round from Lagos to Port harcourt to Abuja, Kano, Kaduna, Markurdi and the rest part of the country based on rough estimate.                                                                        This list provides the current 2016 average prices of cars bought directly from Cotonou or shipped from Europe and America. Cars imported into Nigeria are generally cleaner and more expensive as most times they...
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3 Types of Men

When it comes to women, love life, relationships, and romance, there are 3 types of men (Men, Guys, Gentlemen and Boys)  Each day of our lives, we meet ladies and women in our flat, street, area, work place, club, and party. But our reaction, actions, and moves towards them matters and there really defines us.  In this post, we will have the leverage to explain the three types of men.  The one man one wife men These group of men (guys) have a distinctive attitude towards women. There have a principle and they see life as a "one man one wife thing". They do not and can never cheat on their lady. The moment they have or get one lady in their life. She's the one and no one else. They don't chase ladies, they can only focus on one, even when ladies chase them, it's a deadlock cause their sweetheart is their sweetheart. No matter the pressure, they have that natural tendency to be with their own lady. For ladies, they are the best guys to ever be with, cause of the...

Aigbe and Gentry marriage on logger head

It's no news anymore to any Mercy Aigbe and Landre Gentry fan,  that their marriage has been in a mess from domestic violence, Mercy took to her Instagram page to advice guys and ladies against domestic violence, claiming that her husband, is inhumane for inflicting pain on her. Lanre Gentry on the other hand has claimed that his loving wife Mercy has been cheating on him with series of men,  which to him is promiscuous and canal of his wife.  So much debate on their both social media page with some fans being on the side of Mercy herself and other backing up Lanre Gentry.          Taking a good look at her instagram page,  Kissandtellafrica has gathered several pictures and screenshots of her post to back the gist up.       Her has succeeded in suing her husband with several allegations against him and has told him to get his layers ready for the court case. SEE YOU IN COURT, they both boast  ...

6 Reasons People Love Apple Products

Apple  devices have gained significant repute and place all around the world by its users as well as other competitors. People like Apple devices and prefer it due to their unique operating system and user friend application. Here we have selected some to the main reason why people love apple devices: Apple makes products for users taste. Apple's unique idea might seem strange to some individuals, but the facts are that Apple has a number of designs that continue to drive users to make their products first choice compared with other device creators, Apple follows a firmly focused technique than a ‘something for everybody’ technique, which concentrates on quality and overall consumer experience. This also means that most of the products are directed at high-end classification. All the Products of Apple Company are fully baked. The technology brand is unusual in their way to the  design of the product . It has long been said that the iPad was in growth, in some form, f...

21 Modern Dating Etiquettes For Guys

             There are certain things that as a guy, you must take notice of in your partner. Most guys are really clueless about dating when compared to women. Sometimes, they make many guys feel like learners. The simple truth is that things might go wrong no matter what you do. It is therefore important you look out and know what to avoid in a relationship. I have penned down a couple of things. 1. If a lady misses a date you both agreed on and doesn’t call to apologize, let her go. There is no time to waste on one woman. If she does call to apologize, let her be the one to request another time so as to make it up to you. If she doesn't show up again, forget about her. She doesn't value your time. 2. Never let any woman disrespect you. If she does and she refuses to apologize and change for good, drop her. You don't want to be with someone who tears down your self esteem or does not know your worth. 3. Dating an in...

Tips that makes you a better person

1. Make friends with successful people and occasionally buy them gifts and surprise them with lunch because successful people always give and hardly get, so when you give them, they value the gift a lot. 2. Get a mentor and follow his instructions and respect the relationship. Never beg your mentor for money or disrespect his or her privacy. 3. Make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. Create a network of friends and not just connections. 5. Show kindness to everyone. Some small boys today will be big boys tomorrow. The biggest dog in the neighbourhood was once a puppy. And keep the information/secret to yourself. 6. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future work less in the future. 7. Listen to speeches and messages from great teachers. Both religious and educational. 8. Attend seminars and training on any area you need to improve yourself. Train the trainer, personal development, public speaking, sales etc...

10 things you should not waste your time on

Life is short, so fill it with the things that you enjoy and things that really matters mainly those that will yield positive results. 1) Stop wasting your time watching rubbish on TV How many times have you sat through an entire TV programme and then ended up complaining about how awful it was? This experience is too common not to learn from. Be proactive. Switch off the TV when a programme is boring and put that time to use for something more productive. 2) Putting on your makeup before you go to the gym Makes no sense. Because you are only going to get hot and sweaty when you work out and the makeup is going to wear off and spread haphazardly, making you look horrible and feel uncomfortable. So, really, why bother putting it on in the first place? Give makeup a miss and you’ll be surprised how much time you’ll save. Besides, ultimately, no one will notice anyway - it’s a gym, remember? 3) Worrying about what other people think A useful tip on how to stop wasti...

Joro Olumofin's Letter To "Padlock Guys"

Who is a "Padlock man"? Any man who doesn't have tangible plans for his lady, yet stands in her way of finding love. If you've been dating a lady for more than 2 years and you haven't given her a ring; End that relationship today, don't be selfish, don't be a Padlock Man. Let her find Someone who will step up and is worthy of her time. Since all you do is : 1. You use one of the most important things a lady has which is her Time / Age / Youth ( She will never be 24 again, or 25 again, or 27 again) wasting her time is Detrimental. 2. You eat her food ( You've turned her into your real life Ekaete / or maid) 3. You've increased her V*gina mileage (You have been dating for more than 2 years and you have sex almost every day, what will be left for the next guy?) 4. You let her do occasional abortions for you because you know you won't marry her 5. You collect her money & Savings ( she gives you money because she's investing in you, not...